it’s hard to say “no” when you never learned the word.
i’ve got a roster of men i want deleted.
for now, i’ll settle for becoming a better one.
if i wait any longer i’ll die.
nothing like the fear of your own reflection.
i didn’t look at myself for months.
decided to go back to the club.
why not use my body to get the bag i need to change it?
rented, if i’m lucky.
stolen, if I’m not.
purity culture is a joke i never understood. two purity rings couldn’t stop my pops from getting what he wanted.
sleeping beauty had a sugar daddy.
my most recent rapist was the last man to ever touch my breasts. paid in cash for the experience.
i used the money to cut them off and take my body back.
a dj tried to get me fired from the club. (don’t ask)
he wasn’t protecting me.
said it was too dangerous even if i looked the part. (don’t ask)
maybe he was right.